Przemysl, July 21, 1427. King Jagiello grants lands in the river Ratyczna basin to Hrycko and Tyszko Popiel and their descendants, and imposes war duty to serve the kingdom with the retinue of four mounted archers.



n nomine Domini Amen. Ad perpetuam rei memoriam. Tam vivente scriptura, vivit et actio litterarum datarum, quae recognito facit memoriam aeviternam. Proinde nos Wladislaus Dei gratia Rex Poloniae , Magnus Dux Lithuaniae etc. Dominus et haeres, recognoscimus modo praesenti, quibus expedit universis praesentibus et futuris, prout sinceriter supplicantibus et ratione servitii fidelis et ex magna constantia eorundem servitorium, quibus meritis et servitiis diligentissimis Hryczko et Tysko fratres, dicti Popielowie, gratae nostrae Maiestati et in futurum ut possint feliciter fideliterque iuxta scientiam latius esse dilecti, intuitu eorum hoc volentes nos ipsis fratribus speciali gratia ambiere aut circumdare, ut fiant promptiores ad servita nostra assidua, istis fratribus et eorum haeredibus et successoribus locum vacuum seu desertum super fluvio dicto Ratyczna alias Uscia asz do Wierzchowiska, cum omnibus litoribus ex utraque parte et decursionibus alias Potoki decurrentibus in fluvium dictum, Kotowiecz et Potok profundum, pro ratione possessionis, haereditatis seu villae dictae Ratyczna, quae granicies et limires alias miedze in districtu Drohobyczensi od Uscia asz do Wierzchu Wierzchowiska ex utraque parte ripae a superficie alias od wierzchu slonego do wierzchu Ratycznego, et a Wodotopie transgrediendo ad Jasienicza et Baginsko, et a Baginsko eundo superius Glinnego Potoka do Worotecz, od Worotecz do Uniatyczy et Lietyczno Potokow, et exinde usque ad laneos Drohobyczenses, usque ad Uscie praedictae Ratyczna, ratione graniciei eductae in Terram Russiae, dedimus et donavimus et consignavimus et committimus in aeterna tempora benigniter per praefatos Hriczko et Tysko et alios fratres eorum germanos habendum, tenendum, utifruendum pacifice et quiete cum omnibus et singulis usibus et fructibus, censibus, dationibus, pertinentiis, cum omnibus agris, pratis, campis, silvis et indaginibus alias dabrowami, cum omnibus melleficiis alias z barciami, cum aquis fluentibus et potoki eorum, cum piscinis et molendinis, perpetue et in aevum tenere effectualiter, ratione cuius donationis nobis et nostris successoribus servire pro qualibet expeditione bellica quatuor sagittariis super equis valentibus tenebuntur et fient astricti. Quarum rerum ob evidentius testimonium sigillum nostrum subapppendere iussimus praesentibus litteris. Acta sunt haec Praemisliae, feria secunda invigilia Beatae Mariae Magdalenae, anno Domini millesimo quadringentisimo vigesimo septimo. Praesentibus Reverendissisimis, Magnificis, Generosis et Nobilibus Joanne Dei gratia Archiepiscopo Leopoliensi, Junassio Dei gratia Episopo Praemisliensi, Floriano de Koritnicza Castellano Visliciensi, Alberto Malsky Lanciciensi, Scheliga Januszowsky Siradiensi Succamerariis, Laurentio Zaremba Marsalco Curiae Regalis, Nicolao Chrastowski Gladifero Cracoviensi et aliis quam plurimis fide dignis testibus ad praemissa. Datum per manus Venerabilis Joannis Decani Cracoviensis, R. P. Cancelarii nobis dilecti. Ad relationem Venerabilis Joannis Decani Cracoviensis, R. P. Cancellarii.

Castr. Premisl. T. 312, pag. 305-307.


I have translated that by myself since nobody volunteered. With dictionary and zero knowledge on Latin. Perhaps someone will mobilize and correct it. (sp)

In name of our Lord, amen. For perpetual matter remembrance. If this Act will not last, the record will. We Wladyslaw, by God's grace king of Poland, Great Duke of Lithuania, etc., lord and heir, found out about our subjects serving us faithfully and well in a need and since such a service shall be awarded, these brothers Hryczko and Tyszko called Popiels beloved by our Majesty, and wishing that in the future they equally well and faithfully serve us with their abilities, we greet them gratefully and we order thereto that the said brothers shall be given into full perpetual possession for themselves and their heirs and successors, uninhabited or abandoned lands located near said river Ratyczna, from its estuary up to its beginnings, including the entire banks on both sides and including all contributory creeks, including Potok and Kotowiecz Creeks, and also in perpetual possession a village called Ratyczna, which metes and bounds are in Drohobycz lands from the said river estuary up to its origins and from the banks from the Slony Ridge to the Ratyczny Ridge on one side and from Wodotopie to other side to Jasienicz and Baginsko and from Baginsko the the limits shall run above Glinny Potok to Worotecze and from Worotecze to the creeks Uniatycz and Lietyczna and from there the limits shall run to the Drohobycz highway and back to the estuary. Said bounds and metes are in Rusyn Lands, which we giving away and grant and certify and attest with our seal, for perpetual  possession and ownership, free and peaceful holding and use, and with friendship, to said brothers Hryczko and Tyszko and their other brothers, all together and each separately with all uses and harvests and goods. With all grounds, fields, meadows, forests, oak groves and with all heaves, rivers, lakes and ponds entirely and perpetually, and we order thereto, that these receiving this privilege and grant shall serve us and our successors in case of any war expedition, personally and with four mounted and armed archers and this service is to remain their duty from the received lands.
As of evidence, we seal this with our hand.
In Przemysl, on the second holiday before blessed Mary Magdalena one thousand four hundred and twenty seven Lord's year.
In presence the Most Reverend, August and Noble Jan, by God's grace Archbishop of Lviv, Janusz, by God's grace Bishop of Przemysl, Florian of Korytnica Wislica castellan, Albert Malski of Leczyca, Szeliga Januszowski Sieradz Underchamberlain, Wawrzyniec Zaremba Great Chamberlain of King's Court, Mikolaj Chrastnowski Krakow Swordbearer and many other good and prominent lords. Given into hands of Jan, Krakow Deacon after certification by our Republican Chancellery. Written by Jan Krakow Deacon of the  Republican Chancellery.

Przemysl book of deeds, vol. 312, p. 305-307


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Slawomir Popiel

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