Popiel (Chosciak Popiel) Onufry (coat of arms SULIMA, 1770 - 1828), a colonel in National Calvary, activist of 1794 uprising and General Confederation 1812. He was a son of Pawel and Konstancia of Komorowski. In 1779 - 1787 he was a student in the School of Knights, later he was a lieutenant in the infantry regiment of Jozef Lubomirski. In 1789 he left the regiment as a captain. In this year he received the rank of colonel in the National Calvary after his father (Wielkopolska division). His regiment, during 1790 Thaddeus Kosciuszko's review was unkempt due to the lieutenant Mlynski's negligence.

In 1794 Popiel was appointed to the Sandomierz Ordinal Commission (June 7) and shortly (June 12) was appointed a plenipotentiary of the Supreme National Council in counties of Sandomierz and Wislica. Per his instruction he tried to organize voluntary army in the counties, but movement of Russian and Prussian armies and their proximity in undefended by regular army region rendered this task impossible. Popiel indicated in his correspondence that the commissioners are running away to Galicia, the voluntary army "cannot be formed", "the gentry goes back home and peasants breaks piques and destroys other appurtenances" (reports from 15, 16 and 18 June) At the end of June Prussian army operations ended activities of the Commission in those counties.. In October Popiel was recalled and Alexander Linowski replaced him as an appointee for entire region of Sandomierz.

In 1811 Popiel was a PM in the Duchy of Warsaw, from the Radom department. In 1812 the General Confederation appointed him a Marshall of the Radom department voluntary forces. On March 29, 1813 the Commander-in-Chief, prince Jozef Poniatowski granted him a three-month leave, after which due to the military and political actions, the voluntary force was dissolved.

Popiel sold in interest in received from his father Ozarow and Wyszmontow (partial ownership) and bought villages Zajezierze in 1797 and Bystrojowice in 1803. Died on December 29, 1828 (as per description on the tomb stone   "being 58 of age"); buried in the church in Grzegorzewice.

Married to Jadwiga of Bukowski and then with Konstancia of Woyna, Popiel had two sons from the second marriage: Jozef and Hipolit, both issueless.

Hipolit (1814 - 1876) a heir of Zajezierze, published in "Time" (Krakow) a series of articles on emancipation of peasantry and also published them as a book "Notes on land annuities and emancipation of peasantry in the Kingdom of Poland" under pen name Onufry Sulima (Krakow 1857). From 1865 he was a member of Krakow Agriculture Society. Died in Krakow on March 26, 1876.

Uruski; -Kowecki J., Pospolite ruszenie w Insurekcji 1794, W. 1963; Mrozowska K., Szkola Rycerska..., Wr. 1961; Pawlowski P., od konfederacji barskiej do powstania styczniowego, W. 1962; Popiel P., Rodzina Popielow...Kr.1936 s. 40-3;Zahorski A., Uzbrojenie i przemysl zbrojeniowy w powstaniu kosciuszkowskim, W. 1957; - Akty powstania Kosciuszki, I-III; Popiel P., Pamietniki (1807-1892), Kr. 1927;- AGAD: Arch. Krolestwa Polskiego rkp. 253; B. Czart.; rkp. 700;- Papiery rodzinne u autora zyciorysu; - Zyciorys Hipolita Popiela opracowany przez Zdzislawa Kosieka w Materialach red. PSB.


Emanuel Rostworowski

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Slawomir Popiel

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