Popiel, (9 cent.). first legendary prince of Poland ruling from Gniezno. Single mentioning about him comes from the Chronicles by Gall Anonymous from beg. of 12 cent. (book I, chapter 1-3). The information is a part of Piast story, the protoplast of Piast dynasty reigning in Poland, therefore it is funded on the Polish Court tradition.
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The story contains two
episodes. The first is related to the cutting of the hair (initiation) of two
Popiel's sons ceremony simultaneously with cutting of the hair of Siemowit, son of Piast,
poor footman of Popiel; Popiel plays a negative role in that episode since he drove away
two strange guests from the feat, what turned to the Piast's advantage for the strangers
invited by Piast for a modest treat miraculously increased quantities of food and bear, so
that even Popiel with his court and guests invited to share the meal, satiated
The second episode announces elevating Siemowit to the throne at the Popiel's
disadvantage. Popiel, stripped of power, hid himself on an island, where locked on a tower
he was eaten by mice.
Both episodes belong to classic medieval stories, common to many cultures. They can be
reduced to two details: Popiel reigned in Gniezno and lost the crown to Siemowit and
Siemowit established new dynasty ruling the tribe of Polanie, being a core of future
kingdom of Poland.
Next, and later to Gall Anonymous chronicler, master Vincent nicknamed Kadlubek, envying
the Great Poland (the Great Poland actually was [and is] a Western region of Poland)
having a craddle of the reigning family in Gniezno, created a tale about a concurrent
princely lineage of Little Poland (South-East region of Poland) with their capitol in
Cracow. He named their progenitor Krak (supposedly coming from Carinthia; in reality it
was an ancient Roman name of Gracchus sounding similarily enough to suggest that Cracow
was named after him), and his successors Wanda, Leszek I, Leszek II and Leszek III, tying
the story to Popiel (whom he attributed Roman origin from another ancient name Pompilius)
- the First and the Second. Further he indentified his Popiel II with Popiel from Gall
Anonymous chronicle ("Kronika polska", ks. I, rozdzial 1-2). Because
the master Vincent's dynasty originated in Cracow, he (Kadlubek) carefully removed from
his tale fact that all episodes in Gall Anonimous took place in Gniezno, therefore
unwitting reader of master Vincent's chronicle may think that Popiel was residing in
Another chronicler, later to Anonimous and Kadlubek, author of "Kronika
slasko-polska" created in Lubiaz about 1285, having to choose between one and
another named Kruszwica as a Popiel's place of death ("Kronika
slasko-polska", book I, chapter 5-7). From there comes that Kruszwica not
mentioned by Gall Anonimous became a part of the Popiel's legend. The chronicler trying to
conciliate chronicle of Gall with the other of master Vincent, made Kruszwica the oldest
capitol of Poland. In light of that, supposition made by some historians (one of them K.
Potkanski) that Popiel met his death on the Ostrow Lednicki (Lednicki Island), however,
must be rejected. Additionally it lost its material basis, since the oldest evidence of
inhabitation of the island are of the break of 10 and 11 cent.
Authenticity of Popiel is often questioned. All stories about him were not much trusted
and the amplifications of master Vincent in particular. On the other hand, everything what
is related to Piast and Siemowit, therefore to the beginning of the real, reigning
dynasty, deserves attention. Contrary to Piast, the name of Popiel emerges sometimes as
given name or surname or nickname. The name Popiel has been mentioned by the prince of
Rugia Jaromir I in 1207, it is known in Poland in numerous cases in 14-15 centuries.
Popiel became a character of literature ("Myszeis" I. Kracicki, "Krol
Duch" J. Slowacki (rapsod I), dramat "Popiel i Piast" M.
Romanowski and "Stara basn" J.I. Kraszewski).
Brueckner, Slownik etymologiczny jezyka polskiego, Kr. 1927 s. 431; Slownik Staropolskich Nazw Osobowych, Wr. 1975 IV 332; Slownik Starozytnosci Slowianskich, Wr. 1970 IV 228-9; Wielkopolski Slownik Biograficzny, W. 1981 (P-a oprac. A. Gasiorowski); - Buczek K., Zagadnienia wiarygodnosci dwu relacji o poczatkowych dziejach panstwa polskiego, w: Prace z dziejow Polski feudalnej ofiarowane R. Grodeckiemu, W. 1960 s. 45-56; Deptula Cz., Sredniowieczne mity genezy Polski, "Znak" 1973 nr 233-4 s. 1365-403; Dowiat J., Polska panstwem sredniowiecznej Europy, W. 1968 s. 83-8; Hensel W., Najdawniejsze stolice Polski - Gniezno - Kruszwica, P.-W. 1960 s. 20-2; tenze, Polska przed tysiacem lat, Wyd. 2, Wr. 1964 s. 71 i n.; Hertel J., Imiennictwo dynastii piastowskiej we wczesniejszym sredniowieczu. W. 1980 s. 15-38; Ketrzynski S., Polska X-XI wieku, W. 1961 s. 21-3; Laguna S., Pisma, W. 1915 s. 279-89; Lowmianski H., Poczatki Polski, W. 1967-73 III 417 i n., V 310-40, 460; Maslanka J., Slowianskie mity historyczne w literaturze polskiego Oswiecenia, Wr. 1968; Potkanski K., Jeszcze o Piascie, "Kwart. Hist." T. 14: 1900 s. I-16; tenze, Lechici - Polanie - Polska, Wyd. 2, W. 1965 s. 414-65; tenze, Podanie o Popielu i Piascie, w: Pisma posmiertne, Kr. 1924 II 94-112; Slaski K., Watki historyczne w podaniach o poczatkach Polski, P. 1968 s. 69-84; Tymieniecki K., Spoleczenstwo slowian lechickich, Lw. 1928 s. 157; Widajewicz J., Poczatki Polski, Kr. 1948 s. 107-15, 156-8; Windakiewicz S., Epika polska, Kr. 1929 s. 117-26; Wojciechowski T., O Piascie i piascie, Rozpr. PAU Wydz. Hist.-Filozof., Kr. 1895 XXXII 172-4, 203-4,; - Anonim tzw. GAll, Kronika polska, tlum. R. Grodecki, Kr. 1923 s. 67-9; Kronika slasko-polska, Mon. Pol. Hist.. III 615; Kronika wielkopolska, tlum. K. Abgarowicz, W. 1965 s. 64-6; Mistrz Wincenty, Kronika Polska, tlum. K. Abgarowicz, B. Kuerbis, W. 1974 s. 78-98; Pommersches Urkundenbuch, Ed. Kl. Conrad, Koeln_Wien 1970 nr 145 s 184
[Gerard Labuda]
Piast DYNASTY first ruling family of Poland.
According to a 12th-century legend, when Prince Popiel of Gnesen (now Gniezno) died, in
the second half of the 9th century, he was succeeded by Siemowit, the son of the prince's
plowman, Piast, thus founding a dynasty that ruled the Polish lands until 1370. (The name
Piast was not applied to the dynasty until . . .
[Britannica on line]
Popiel - Wikipedia
(transl. sp)
Jan Popiel & Slawomir Popiel |
This site was created on June 15, 1998
and updated on May 11, 2007 |