Wyrostek, Rod Dragow... s. 98

T h e   C z a j k o w s k i s



zajkowice on Dniestr near Rudki were in possession of several families, also the Sas Czajkowskis. It was quite impossible to distinguish them all due to propagation of the families and lack of records. Part of Czajkowice with near Podhorce went to certain Czaplic during reign of Kazinierz the Great. His sons, Iwan and Hryc, witnessed Fil of Litynia in 1415 as [bearers of the same coat of arms] as his grandmother's of mother side. In the same document brothers Iwan and Chodor Brzechowicz from Czajkowice witnessed Fil as from his mother side. The document, interestingly, remained in the possession of the Brzehowiczs, not Czaplics and Steczko Brzechowicz produced it in 1443 during confrontation of all records related to the estate Podhorce, issued by the king's chancellery. The Brzechowiczs used by-name Sudkowicz, therefore they were not Sas. Same is valid in case of the Czaplics of unknown coat of arms. Skipping Polish owners of Czajkowice, such as the Dzialoszs, Msciszeks and Zubrskis, we can see finally elusive outline of the Sas Czajkowki lineage with by-name Berenda. At 1427 congress, apart from known Brzechwiczs: Iwan and Chodor, there were also Drobisz and Steczko, most probably Berendas. It is unknown how many descendants they left since in the records the by-name Berenda showes up in 1475 with Prokop and Ihnat and in 1483 with Iwan. Lineage of the Pankratowicz sdeems little better pronounced: Pankrat, son Andrzej 1440, grandson Zan 1443, then Artem, Ihnat and Iwanko 1464 and Artem's son Hryc 1484. Of course, the Berendas were more numerous, but they were somewhat hidden between the Brzechwiczs and Czaplics. How numerous were successors in 1464 we can see from the court remonstrance brought by the Czajkowkis because of signing away these estates to the Jacimirskis of Sanok region. Of course, tyhe kings chancellery was a guilty party since it granted the private property as tenure. The threatened possessors (20 persons) immediately showed up at the Lviv court proving with witnesses that Czajkowice is "bona hereditaria et perpetualia ex atavis, avis et patribus", due to which, the court dismissed Jacimirskis' claim. But we can see here, that the records related to the Czajkowskis' ownership were nonexistent, what was quite frequent matter. A record from 1515 showes a Berenda with Hryn and Mikolaj as co-owners of Czajkowice. Pawel was installed as an owner  in 1541. Stanislaw and Jan had in the same year a dispute with Anna Korytko.


w: Ludwik Wyrostek, Rod Dragow-Sasow...

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